Calisthenics can be hard to master and while they’re easy to do anywhere as they don’t require equipment, a large amount of training needs to occur before you try to conquer some of the more intense progressions.

The tuck planche is one of these progressions that takes some serious concentration and skill to master.

Once you master this king of all calisthenics, you’ll have some serious bragging rights that you will have earned through blood, sweat, and balance!

Getting to this point requires you to advance through some simpler variations and moves before tackling this one so get ready to take on the tuck planche.


There are several key progressions you’ll need to go through before you reach the tuck planche. These all start to train your body, mind, and muscles to do the final form.

It’s important to work through these progressions and allow your body time to adjust. Jumping into something more intense can increase your chance of injury.

The tuck planche and its progressions require a lot of different muscle groups to engage to work but it doesn’t stop there.

In addition to needing strong muscles to do the moves, you also need some serious balance and coordination to pull it off. Practicing each of the variations is the best way to increase both areas of your health.

The moves you’ll learn as you build up to the tuck planche will all be using the same muscle groups and you’ll strengthen them over time.

The muscle groups that this tuck planche will eventually work on are the biceps, triceps, forearms, pectorals, shoulders, core, and hips. If it can be sore in the morning, it will be after this workout!

Planche Lean

This is the first step in the learning process when you’re working toward the tuck planche.

To do the tuck planche, your wrists and shoulders need to be ready to bear the entire weight of your body and move accordingly. You’ll hold your body in a similar position to the tuck but your feet stay on the ground.

Start this move in the plank position with your elbows locked. You’ll then rotate your wrists out about 45 degrees and flip your feet over so you’re resting on the top of the foot.

Protract your shoulder blades and lean forward to get your shoulders up in front of your hands. You should feel the pressure and pull in the upper part of your body.

Tucked Hold

The tucked hold is the next step in the progression toward the full tuck planche.

This is where you’ll perfect the hold with your locked elbows that will keep you upright when doing the full tuck planche.

You’ll start this move in a seated position then bring your knees up to your chest with your arms extended. This will lift your body off the floor and put pressure on your shoulders and wrists.

Frog Stand

You’re getting close to the tucked planche! This move is very similar with just a few adjustments.

Instead of your entire weight being on your shoulders and wrists, your knees end up coming to rest on your elbows.

Doing this step in the progressing forces you to use your core more and also gives you some support while you’re working through the move.

Pseudo Planche Press

You’ll start this move in the same planche lean as before but there will be just a few adjustments.

Once you’re in position instead of simply holding the move you’ll do several pushups which will start to develop your chest and shoulders more.

The motion and the weight on your shoulders and wrists keep building up that muscle so you can keep moving forward toward the full tucked planche.

Straight Arm Frog Stand

This is another variation of the frog stand so be sure you’re practiced up with the basic movements before heading on to this progression.

Start in the frog stand and keep your knees on your elbows rather than outside of them.

Your arms will be extended straight and your scapula rolled forward to put you in a straight arm frog stand.


You might not think of handstands being a good progression for the tucked planche but you’ll want to work on anything that will help you with your core, coordination, and balance.

There are tons of different variations of the handstand that you can try and practice to build up your strength.

These can also be done anywhere and you’ll be practicing for the ultimate move!

Tucked Planche Pulses

Before you try to do the full tucked planche, these are often on the agenda! In this move, you’ll start in a tucked hold and then swing your body back into a tucked planche position.

Hold this pose for just a moment and then let your body swing back forward to come to a rest and the same starting point.

This may take some practice but once you get the hang of it you’ll be ready to move on to the final tucked planche.

Tucked Planche

You’ll start this final form with your hands on the floor or a set of paralettes. Slowly round your back and push yourself up off the ground and shift your body weight forward as you do.

Your knees won’t come to rest on your arms but will extend behind you until your weight is toward the back. Keep your knees bent during this move and your legs tucked in under your abs.

You’ll hold this pose for some time and then, keeping yourself under control, lower your body back to the starting position.

From Tuck to Full

Advancing from nothing to the tucked planche is an achievement in and of itself! But once you’ve mastered the tuck planche, you might be wondering where to go next.

The next level is the full planche and there are several progressions beyond the tucked planche you’ll need to work through before you make it to the final form.

One Leg Tuck Planche

This move you’ll do from a tucked planche so start in your final form! You’ll then extend a leg back and angled outward to finish the move.

Straddle Planche

With this exercise, both of your legs will end up extended outward but kept wide to help you balance and disperse the weight.

This will take a lot of practice but is a great way to increase your balance before you move on to the full planche.

Full Planche

This is the last move in the series and is the final progression in the planche movements.

You’ll spend quite a bit of time training with the straddle planche until you can bring your legs together and extend them out and straight.

Once you’re able to do that, keep practicing until you can hold the pose for an extended period!

Tips and Tricks

Knowing the moves is just part of the equation when it comes to learning how to do the tucked planche.

You’ll also need to keep in mind some different tips and tricks that will help you reach the final full planche before you know it.

The first thing you want to keep in mind is that this training regimen is going to take a while.

For most people to learn the full planche from having no experience or training takes 1-2 years. This 1-2 years also has you training for 3-4 days a week to reach this level.

Training for 3-4 days is the recommended amount of time to see good progression in your moves. While you will want to train this amount of time, going for it every day isn’t recommended.

The progressions and moves are intense and training every day can make you susceptible to injury.

Lastly, be patient with yourself when it comes to training.

Take plenty of time to allow your body to rest and recover after a tough training session. Get plenty of sleep and work diligently through your overall progressions.

Progress won’t be seen overnight but you’ll start to notice small things over a longer period so trust the process and be patient with yourself.


Learning a whole new calisthenics move is a difficult process. Luckily, there’s no reason to throw yourself in head first!

With every move, including the tucked planche, there are plenty of progressions that will gradually lead you to your final form.

Going through the progressions is the best way to reach the tucked planche. You’ll be able to build up strength in key areas, practice your balance and coordination, and learn the appropriate form so you can avoid injury over several years.

Training for this move takes time and patience so you’ll need to practice 3-4 days a week to reach this level of control and balance.

Practice makes perfect even with complicated moves like the tucked planche.

Being patient with yourself and practicing several days a week will end up paying off in the long run!

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