Radio Calisthenics are rhythmical exercise routines that are set to music.

They are usually broadcasted early in the morning on the radio in some countries. Sometimes they are even broadcasted during other times of the day. 

How does Japanese calisthenics differ from the rest of the world?

Exercise routines have been a part of Japan’s history now for more than 90 years.

They can be done at home by people of all ages. They are exercises used to de-stress people and keep citizens in Japan healthy. 

In Japan, they come on the radio several times a day. They are also aimed at the general population and not already-fit people.

Unlike in other parts of the world, the session is separated into two sections. The first half is for all fitness levels. The second half is for the younger generation wanting to gain strength. 

Is radio calisthenics good for you?

Yes. Radio calisthenics has been designed with anybody in mind.

Regardless of age or experience, people can do radio calisthenics. It is a series of exercises, and movements aimed at stretching muscles, improving balance, and building core strength. 

A study done by the University of Arizona shows that radio calisthenics may reduce breast cancer-related lymphedema.

The study included gentle arm movements and breathing exercises. Results showed that the volume of the arm and forearm was significantly reduced on the affected side. 

How long does Rajio taiso last?

Radio calisthenics is broadcasted on Japan’s NHK public radio.

NHK broadcasts the routine 4 times per day, the first begins at 6.30 am.

There are 2 basic routines each lasting for approximately 3 minutes.

The first routine is designed to increase movement and overall health where the second routine is directed at increasing muscle strength.

What is a Japanese radio exercise?

Japanese radio exercise is also known as Radio Calisthenics, or rajio taiso was the first broadcast in 1928 to improve overall health in Japan’s population.

It has had a few breaks over the years but has essentially maintained its broadcast until the present day.

It has become a daily ritual for millions of people in Japan and has also gained traction in China and Korea.

NHK, the Japanese radio station broadcasts the guided exercises at 6.30 am and airs 4x per day, excluding Sundays.

There is also a TV broadcast, better known as terebi taiso, that airs 3x per day, excluding weekends.

It has 2 routines each consisting of 13 movements and each taking about 3 min.

Routine 1 is the easier one and is more directed at stretching and range of motion. The 2nd routine is more about strength.

More details:

  • Radio calisthenics takes their inspiration from a 1925 health and fitness routine broadcast in the United States by a life insurance company. 
  • Garnered a limited following among Japanese communities overseas, particularly in Hawaii, Brazil, and Peru.
  • Said to relax stiff muscles and raise your basal metabolic rate
  • Most recent data suggest 27 million people said they took part in morning calisthenics more than twice a week. 
  • Conducted individually at home or work, or mass gatherings in local parks. 

Is taiso radio effective?

Any form of movement or exercise is effective in improving health, even in as little as 3 minutes per day such as Taiso Radio.

Based on the goal or desired outcome of the individual they would likely need to supplement additional exercises to achieve specific results.

But as far as improving well-being and starting the day right it is an excellent approach.

A study in Japan also showed that radio calisthenics can prevent the reduction of skeletal mass volume in people who have type 2 diabetes. 

Some other claimed benefits of Radio calisthenics:

  • Relax stiff muscles
  • Raise your basal metabolic rate
  • Stretch muscles
  • Improve balance
  • Build core strength
  • Feel less stressed

How do you do Radio Calisthenics?

While the following is primarily in Japan, there are a few ways to follow Radio Calisthenics:

In Japan:

  • Broadcasted on NHK
  • Broadcasted on Television
  • Gatherings in local parks
  • Ueno Park is especially well known for it


  • Broadcast on NHK world radio
  • NHK’s official YouTube channel 
  • Local Japanese communities

If you’d rather read and follow the movements, here’s a link to all 26 movements in PDF format. 

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